Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord that He brought Peter and Janet to rent our house. Pray that they will be settled there and feel that it is home.
  • Please pray for our children, Niall and Sorche, as they settle into school and dorm life. Pray for good friends for both of them and that they will be able to handle the adjustment to a new school routine.
  • We are so thankful for the many people who have pledged to support us financially. Please continue to pray for this area, for our understanding of the new things we are encountering and that God will provide for us in all areas.

View of our village, Holzen

View of our village, Holzen
Our dorm is the white building to the left of the church

Lynn and Sorche in Colmar, France

Friday, July 4, 2008

Prayer and blessing

Last Sunday we spoke in church and shared about BFA and our role there as dorm parents. We asked our congregation to pray for us as we prepare to go, as we raise our funds, for our house to sell and to support Hamish and Tristan while we are away from them. There was a time of prayer and blessing for us all as a family.
In the afternoon, Tristan left for the North with Grandma and Grandpa Paterson and Kirah (his harris hawk) to get settled into the cottage before he starts work on Wednesday at Golden Creek Bird Farm with Dirk and Friedhelm.
In the evening, we invited people to come to our home to pray specifically for the sale of our house. We had 12 other people besides Hamish and ourselves. Niall and Sorche helped look after the kids who came. Jim gave a little reading, then had us spend 5 minutes silently listening for God's words and direction in the matter of selling our house. We were encouraged and blessed by the strength of belief that our house would sell and the prayers for God to move the heart of the person who is to buy it. We know that this will all take place according to God's timing. A wonderful bi-product of the prayer was the peaceful sleep we had Sunday night.

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